Cognitive Development Study Exploring Complex Reasoning

By Michelle Malay Carter on July 14, 2008 

BrainA colleague of mine Richard McElroy, a doctoral student in the Fielding Graduate University?s Human and Organization Development program, under the guidance of Dr. Michael Commons, Harvard Medical School?s Department of Psychiatry, is conducting a cognitive development study to explore levels of complex reasoning in the executives and managers. One of my favorite topics!

He is asking for anonymous participation to complete his Internet-based research survey instrument (link listed below). He requests that all levels of executives and managers in the organization participate.

Will you help him out by?completing this anonymous?survey, which should take about 15 minutes? Click here?to complete the survey.

Rick believes his research will contribute much to our understanding of the developmental needs of future organizational leaders – a cause we can all get behind.

I’m OK.? You’re OK.? Let’s fix the system.

Filed Under Personal Observation


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