If I’m Not What I Do, Who Am I?

By Michelle Malay Carter on June 25, 2008 

Information SignI took a values inventory from Values Technology and received my initial feedback today.

One of the questions I was asked is, what question defines where you are at the moment?? My question that I have been pondering for about 5 years is:

If I’m not what I do, who am I?

Can you answer that question for yourself?

Filed Under Corporate Values, Personal Observation


5 Responses to “If I’m Not What I Do, Who Am I?”

  1. David Zinger on June 26th, 2008 8:04 am

    I am a human BEing and my greatest desire is that my being is fused with my doing so that each influence the other in an authentic engaged and caring way.

  2. Michelle Malay Carter on June 26th, 2008 10:00 am


    That’s fabulous. Thanks for the comment.

    I intellectually understand that I am a human be-ing but don’t quite understand how to live that. I have no concept of what it means to live in a non-performance environment.

    It’s one of the experiences I am believing for on my spiritual journey, and the irony is that I realize I cannot “make” it happen. So I have to be take a non-peroformance stance toward entering into a non-performance way of living.

    I’ll stop now because I am confusing myself. :)



  3. Alicia Parr on June 27th, 2008 7:44 am

    The easiest method to convey what I am to others is by listing what I do and have done, but I’m much more than that. I’m also the things I can conceive I can do and be, but sometimes that’s hard to figure out, so I’m more than that. I’m also the things I’m meant to do that I don’t yet realize.

    I am all these things, just like everyone else is. If we can remember that we are all these things, little setbacks in where we are and what we’re doing NOW don’t make us any less than what we are, so they remain little setbacks, not a comment on us being less than we hoped.

  4. Michelle Malay Carter on June 27th, 2008 8:15 am

    Hi Alicia,

    Thanks for stoppping by. I enjoy hearing others’ take on this question. I learn something each time. Thanks for the comment.


  5.   Be All You Can Be — Alicia Parr’s Adventures in Multisport on June 27th, 2008 7:20 pm

    […] thinking about this issue after reading Michelle Malay Carter’s recent blog post titled, If I’m Not What I Do Who Am I?? Somehow, I don’t feel satisfied with my identity being only what I’m doing now and […]