Yes, I Can Do That! – A Friday Funny

By Michelle Malay Carter on February 14, 2008 

I’m off?on vacation?for a few days so I am posting my Friday Funny on Thursday.? I could set up this entry to auto post?tomorrow, but I have?trouble getting video clips to? save properly.? I wanted to make sure it posted correctly so I could?RELAX.?

Do We Deceive Ourselves or Others?
Have you ever had a consultant or job candidate exaggerate their skills and abilities in order to land a job??

“Yea, I can do that,” they say with confidence.? Are they in denial about their limitations or just stretching the truth to land the job??

In this same vein, there are some things a mobile phone just should not do.?Laughter is good for your health.? Here’s to your health on Valentines Day.

If you were on the creative team for this skit, what would you have added?

Filed Under Personal Observation, Strategy, Talent Management


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