Hierarchy and Bureaucracy Are Not Synonyms

By Michelle Malay Carter on March 12, 2008 

redtape.jpgBureaucracies will always have hierarchies, but not all hierarchies are bureaucratic.

To review from a former post, if an organization has even two layers, it has a hierarchy.? Would you really want to work in an organization with no hierarchy?

No Hierarchy?

Maybe it?s not hierarchy that is the problem, but rather it is our ignorance surrounding how to structure them to our benefit rather than our detriment.

Consequences of Too Few Levels in a Hierarchy
Yes, there can be too few layers in organizations.? This breeds overwork, ambiguity, and unrealistic expectations.?

Consequences of Too Many Levels in a Hierarchy – Bureaucracy
Yes, there can be too many levels in an organization. ?This causes buck passing, slowed decision making, turf wars, and work overlap.? This breeds frustration, inefficiency and hampered production.? i.e. bureaucracy.

I’m OK.? You’re OK.? Let’s fix the system.

Filed Under Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Work Levels


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