Integrated Organization Design and Leadership Approach Seen as Frequently as a Ninja Parade

By Michelle Malay Carter on November 3, 2007 

Ninja Managerial Leadership ModelSeventy nine percent?of your?employees called – they are disengaged and waiting for their executive leadership to take systems-level approach to organization design and managerial leadership.

A science-based framework already exists, but it’s been about as visible as a ninja parade.? Why?? The pain of the “blame the employee” model is not yet greater than the perceived pain of implementing a new one, but with only 21% employee engagement, I suspect we are getting close.

View the?Ninja Parade Footage?
In the meantime, employees will continue to give their best hoping to catch a glimpse of an integrated model, like an optimistic crowd waiting to see a ninja parade?- click for the news story.

Filed Under Corporate Values, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Succession Planning, Talent Management


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