Read Mission Minded Management on Alltop

By Michelle Malay Carter on March 15, 2008 

alltoplogo.jpgGuy Kawasaki has launched Alltop, a news aggregation website?with ?all the top? stories for 40 popular web topics.? Displayed on the site are the headline and first paragraph?of the last 5?stories from 40-80 topic sources.

Alltop’s Strategy
Alltop is like an “online magazine rack” displaying news from top publications and blogs.? Their goal is to satisfy the information needs of the 99% of Internet users who will never use an RSS feed reader or create a custom page.? Alltop stories are refreshed every 10 minutes.

Where to Find Us
You can find Mission Minded Management under: Work > Careers?– not a perfect fit, but they don’t yet have a section called:? Executive Leadership > Requisite System Design > I’m OK.? You’re OK. Let’s fix the system.? A girl can dream, can’t she?

Filed Under Executive Leadership, Strategy


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