What is the Opposite of a Yes Man? A Friday Funny

By Michelle Malay Carter on November 21, 2008 

Do You Agree?
This week we’ve been talking about emotions.? For most of us, nothing stirs them up more than an opposing viewpoint.

My client used a term for?a non-yes woman the other day that was so spot on that I can’t get it out of my head.? I wasn’t sure where the term fell on the offense continuum so I did some research and Webster says the term can be vulgar.? So therefore, it is not always.? Please take this as one of the not always instances.? Disclaimer:? This post is not necessarily a reflection of the views or vocabulary of my sponsors.? :)

I’m Big Enough to Take It
We all like to think that we are “big” enough to want others to confront and challenge us, but the reality is that in the face of it, we often become defensive, offended, and begin to revile the (here comes the term) turd in the punchbowl.

Loyal versus Principled?
Joe Lieberman is dealing with being a turd in the punchbowl as we speak.? Interesting question, should loyalty trump standing for your principles?? No one knows what to do with him.?? Obama is having to make decisions about whether he wants opposing viewpoints represented in his cabinet.

Turds for Hire
Consultants are often hired to play this role in the organization so as to protect those on the inside.? Bloggers seem to?revel in playing the role.

Laugh a Little – We’re All Human
All of this talk reminds of a scene from Caddyshack.? I couldn’t find one clip so I included two short ones.?

The first 44-second clip shows a typical emotional reaction to a “turd in the punchbowl”.??

The second shows that although a turd may often be a fall guy, it may not be as evil as we portray it to be.? Take another 33 seconds out to laugh at Bill Murray.

The Lonely Life of a Turd

Turds – Not as Bad as We Make Them Out to Be?

Are you a yes man or a turd in the punchbowl?

Filed Under Corporate Values, Personal Observation, Strategy


2 Responses to “What is the Opposite of a Yes Man? A Friday Funny”

  1. Alicia Parr on November 21st, 2008 3:48 pm

    Perfect! So the udesirable turd in the punchbowl might actually be a discarded candy bar– something desirable and quite sweet. My natural inclination is to be the turd/candy bar, although my nose has been chopped off for it a few times, so I tend to keep my mouth shut when I sense lack of acceptance of my point of view. I have trusted people I can share my views with, though, which is helpful. I’d love to feel less hamstringed in sharing my opinions, but I have to consider the impact of my actions on my colleagues in addition to myself. I can hold my own over a some constructive disagreement, but I don’t want to cost people money and good will just to fight a battle whose time probably hasn’t come yet.

  2. Michelle Malay Carter on November 21st, 2008 4:16 pm

    Hi Alicia,

    Thanks for the comment. Glad to hear you are a fellow turd sister. I definitely know you to be sweet on the inside.
