What Does Managerial Leadership Look Like? A Requisite Approach

By Michelle Malay Carter on July 2, 2008 

Elliott Jaques’ Requisite Organization model does a great job of defining a set managerial leadership behaviors which, within a Requisite Organization leadership framework,?would become explicit accountabilities of all managers.? Two way managerial teamworking Context setting Planning Task assignment Personal effectiveness appraisal of direct reports Merit review Coaching Selection and induction Deselection and dismissal Continuous improvement […]

Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management | 2 Comments

Can We “Luck” Our Way into Effective Organization Structure? A Friday Funny

By Michelle Malay Carter on June 26, 2008 

If we don’t really understand work levels or human cognitive capability?in terms of levels, what do you think the probability is that we will luck our way into effective organizational structure to carry out our strategy and live our values? As probable as this, I suspect… I’m OK.? You’re OK.? Let’s fix the system!? It […]

Filed Under Corporate Values, Executive Leadership, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Work Levels | 1 Comment

Organizational Structure – What If…

By Michelle Malay Carter on June 18, 2008 

Jack Fallow had this to say about my lamentation on organizational structural failures:? Yes it is a problem that we under-engineer work environments and structures. Typically, the engineer, first decides that weight bearing strength of 1000lbs is necessary, then adds 50% for security. Next, they choose the best material to carry the strain. Then, they […]

Filed Under Corporate Values, Employee Engagement, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management | 2 Comments

Structural Failures within Organizations – Close is Not Good Enough

By Michelle Malay Carter on June 17, 2008 

Steve Roesler throws out the concept of applied management in his latest post?on employee survey research.? I couldn’t agree more that we need more applied management within organizations. And I would ask, just what are we applying? Is Close Good Enough? Engineers take natural laws and science-based knowledge and use this inform to inform their […]

Filed Under Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management, Work Levels | 7 Comments

Intuiting Work Levels – Justin Foster’s Strategy Hierarchy

By Michelle Malay Carter on June 3, 2008 

Jamie Notter mentioned coming upon Justin Foster’s idea of Strategy Hierarchy.? Justin does a great job of describing work levels 5, 4, and 3. Here’s Justin’s description: Vision – Develop the simple idea. This is very likely the original reason a venture or effort was started. In addition, the Vision is the picture of success […]

Filed Under Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Succession Planning, Work Levels | Comments Off on Intuiting Work Levels – Justin Foster’s Strategy Hierarchy

Insightory – A Management Information Repository

By Michelle Malay Carter on May 27, 2008 

If you haven’t stumbled upon it yet, you should check out Insightory. It’s a platform for management professionals, academicians and graduate business students to share their knowledge and insights with the corporate world, solve management issues collaboratively, and network with peers who have similar professional interests. Their goal is to do for management knowledge what […]

Filed Under Accountability, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, High Potential, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Succession Planning, Talent Management, Work Levels | 2 Comments

What Shape is a Watermelon? A Friday Funny

By Michelle Malay Carter on May 23, 2008 

Oval you say?? Not always. Watermelons, though tasty, are quite difficult to deal with in terms of shipping and storing.? They create a lot of “wasted space” in stores and refrigerators.? Not in Japan!? Much to the pleasure of Japanese retailers and consumers alike, some innovative farmers started growing watermelons in boxes, and ta-da, square […]

Filed Under Personal Observation, Strategy | 3 Comments

Blogwear from Social Media Butterfly

By Michelle Malay Carter on May 22, 2008 

Nathania Johnson, while with Bold Interactive, was instrumental in helping make Mission Minded Management a reality.? She has spread her wings and flown into new pursuits to include creating a line of Social Media Wear. Her line includes 11 themes.? My favorites are: Social Media Butterfly I Think, Therefore, I Blog Social Media Schmoozer She’s […]

Filed Under Personal Observation, Strategy | 2 Comments

The Dangers of Promoting from Within – Avoid “Right Place at the Right Time” Promotions

By Michelle Malay Carter on May 21, 2008 

It’s a noble thing when organizations strive to promote from within, but this can really become a mess during times of explosive growth. HR’s Image Problem May Be Rooted in Promoting From Within In my last post, I eluded to the fact that this happens in HR quite frequently, and this may be why HR […]

Filed Under Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Succession Planning, Talent Management, Work Levels | 7 Comments

The Chicken-Egg, HR “Seat at the the Table” Argument

By Michelle Malay Carter on May 19, 2008 

Regarding the long-suffering demand that HR be granted a seat at the table, I’d like to address this issue using my work levels goggles.? Is it really about HR needing to acquire this competency or that competency, or is it about organizational structure? I’m Talking About a Strategy Table If we assume that “the table” […]

Filed Under Executive Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management, Work Levels | 5 Comments

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